A very passionate nature photographer from Estonia, Andrei Reinol gets us in awe with his ingenious nature photographs. When asked about how he plans his shoot and description over his style of photography, his answers really are as elegant as his photographs. His theory and his motto behind the journey as a nature photographer is very inspiring and makes us to try something out of our own comfort zones too. Extremely talented individual whose photographs show magnificent light and brilliant atmospheres, let us wish him all the best for his future endeavors.

Andrei Reinol - A Passionate Landscape Photographer from Estonia, Europe

Could you introduce about yourself?

My name is Andrei Reinol, 39 years old, based in Estonia. I am also father to 2 little girls, a guy who likes hiking, spending time outdoors, good films, traveling and learning about nature and who can never say no to good food and wine.

How did this love for photography happen especially nature photography?

I love being in nature, especially the peace I experience there and how I feel fully charged coming home after hours of hiking.

I try to remain unnoticed in nature, even if it is not entirely possible, but I does strike me over and over again how small we humans really are. Although I keep the rule “take nothing and leave nothing” in mind when being in nature, I feel that photography allows me to take something with me without really taking anything away. Before I just had my camera with me when I was hiking, but in recent years photography is more of a conscious decision, I carry more gear with me. I do get caught up in the moment trying to capture the scene when an interesting sky or light appears.

What extremes have you pushed yourself to get these magnificent photographs?

I believe that to get a good landscape photo you need to witness a moment or visit locations that are away from civilization. For that you need to go into places that are distant, untouched, capture something spectacular. Of course you can get a great image from your everyday surroundings as well. But with nature you are faced with challenges you can not expect. I have had my car stuck in sand road in the middle of nowhere, my camera has stopped working because of freezing temperatures, I have fallen into icy cold water (just a quick dip) and generally be in freezing wind and cold. Not to mention all the sleep I have sacrificed getting up early hours. When waking up to my alarm clock, freezing dark night is not all that appealing, but I just know that when I get out there I never regret it.

How often do you travel, could you give us a short brief on your travel calendar?

Because I like northern scenes, my travels have brought me mostly to Scandinavian countries. My favorite time of the year is when fall turns into winter. When all the conditions coexist, this time gives the best pictures. Iceland and Northern Norway are certainly at the top of the list for my next destinations. Scotland, Canada and arctic climate definitely offer wide range of magnificent landscapes.

Your gear?

I’ve been using Canon from the start. Right now the camera I use is 5DM2. Lenses in use are 17-40 usm, 24-105 f4. I also use Lee ND filters and polarizer. Manfrotto tripods. As a backup camera I have Sony A7R. I don’t mind experimenting with different gear.

Your Inspiration?

Biggest inspiration is nature itself. I know that each time I go out to shoot, the moment I will witness will never repeat itself. When I am headed to shoot, I always have high expectations, motivation and even kind of an adrenaline rush. There are many photographers out there whose work I admire. Seeing the work of others has also added a long list into my travel plans.

For Andrei, what does it take to produce a great photograph?

Commitment, luck, skills and good gear. The more you photograph the higher your standards become. It is relatively easy to capture one great shot, but to build a portfolio you need to be consistent and work at it. But at the same time I find it is very important to enjoy the process as well, so you can be satisfied even when you don’t get your great shot, which happens.

One Thing you have learnt through photography, you would want to share with our readers?

The most amazing moments in nature appear at times when most of us are sleeping and in places that most of us never visit. To witness something extraordinary it is important to move out of your comfort zone, to see the beauty of our planet it is important to respect it´s rhythm and try to follow its lead.

It does take effort and pushing your limits but it is utterly rewarding.

To me it is also satisfying to know that I can bring these moments to people who for whatever reason can not go into distant places in the early hours and crazy temperatures, but who can still enjoy it through these images.

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You can find Andrei Reinol on the Web :

All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Andrei Reinol. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.