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The Simplicity In Photography: A Great Insight By Shaun La

Words & Photography by: Shaun La *All Photographs were photographed on film.* There are a generous amount of fields in the land of Photography. As a professional photographer, I have always thought of myself as a Photographer, excluding the commercial or art title that can precede the word, Photographer. Of…

Photography Is Something Like Wrapping A Gift

Photography Is Something Like Wrapping A Gift

Article By: Prashanth Swaminathan Filmmaking is presenting truth with the filmmaker’s view about the truth. Photography laid the foundation for this basic structure of filmmaking. Photos are plain truth that are even more real than reality. Life on earth has remained the same for a long time. Change never ceases…

Setsiri Silapasuwanchai From Thailand Shows His Great Insight Towards Street Photography

Setsiri Silapasuwanchai, meet this finest contemporary street photographer from Thailand who opens up a lot about his work and his views on street photography. In this fine interview with, Setsiri describes his vision and how he developed his style of SP. His knowledge and passion towards this genre is…

Devansh Jhaveri – This Indian Photographer Inspires Us With A Clear Vision For Street Photography

Very interesting juxtapositions on street photography from Devansh Jhaveri. In this amazing interview with us, Devansh reveals a lot on his knowledge towards photography, various concepts and his understanding beyond this certain genre. Speaking about his photographs, there is a clever balance of compositions and color schema within his portfolio,…

Richard Kalvar – Inspiration From Masters Of Photography

Richard Kalvar is an American Photographer associated with the most famous Magnum Photos right since 1975. It all began to happen when Richard made a trip to Europe in 1966 with that Pentax camera given by him by a French Photographer called Jerome Ducrot. This stirred the isnpiration for him…

Photography Composition Basics – Know about the Rule of thirds, Symmetry, Repetition and Rhythm

We are sharing this tutorial from Academy Photography. Follow their Youtube Channel for more amazing tutorials. Personally I believe this tutorial will be very useful for beginners to understand whta is composition.   Watch the Video In this tutorial you will learn about the photography composition basics applicable to all…

25 Latest Free Photography Ebooks to Download

Here we have collected some amazing latest photography Ebooks to improve your photography. Click on the image to download the Ebook. You can check our previous articles about Free Photography Eboosk here: 25 Free ebooks to Improve Your Photography 25 Most Popular Photography Free E-Books 15 Latest Popular Free Photography…

3 Ultimate Ebooks to Improve your Travel Photography

Mitchell Kanashkevich is one of the famous travel photographer around the world. He came up with 3 ultimate Ebooks Transcending Travel, Natural Light and Captivating Color. If you are interested in Travel and Street Photography, if you want to travel around the world to take some outstanding photos, these Ebooks…

B&W Street Photography Processing Tutorial Using Lightroom & Nik Silver Efex Pro2

Street Photographer Tuan Nguyen explaining about how to process street photo in Black and white using Lightroom and Nik Silverefex Pro2. This tutorial will be very useful for street photography beginners. Tuan explains the process behind his images in very simple and effective way. Thaks for watching, please follow Tuan…

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