‘Salted Horizons’ is an enchanting digital art series by Nashville-based 3D artist and director Reshakh Mahmood. This remarkable collection showcases expansive, awe-inspiring views of salt farms, deserts, and pink lakes.

The captivating landscape imagery in this series highlights the beauty of expansive arid environments with a unique and vibrant color palette. Mesmerizing shades of pink, orange, blue, and green contrast beautifully with the vast stretches of pale sand, creating an ethereal atmosphere that is truly one-of-a-kind.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can check Reshakh’s Instagram link for more amazing photos.

You can find Reshakh Mahmood on the Web:


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka


Salted Horizon Landscapes By Reshoka

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