Chris Perani’s striking microscopic photos of butterfly wings reveal an extraordinary world of intricate detail and vibrant color hidden from the naked eye. Utilizing advanced microscopy techniques, Perani captures the delicate structures and patterns of butterfly wings at an astonishing level of magnification.

These images showcase the iridescent scales and complex textures that make each wing a masterpiece of nature’s design. Perani’s work not only highlights the beauty of these minute details but also offers a fresh perspective on the natural world, inspiring awe and curiosity about the unseen wonders that surround us.

Through his lens, the seemingly ordinary wings of butterflies are transformed into breathtaking landscapes of color and form, inviting viewers to marvel at the complexity and artistry of nature.

Scroll down and inspire yourself. You can check Aliaume’s Instagram account for more amazing photos.

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Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani

“To create his images, Perani uses a 10x microscope objective paired with a 200mm lens, resulting in an extremely shallow depth of field. Achieving focus requires moving the lens in tiny increments of no more than 3 microns per photo, to capture the thickness of the subject, which can measure up to 8 millimeters. This meticulous process involves taking 350 individual exposures, each capturing a narrow slice in focus, which are then composited together. Perani repeats this process six times across different sections of the butterfly wing, producing a total of 2,100 exposures that are meticulously combined into a single, stunning image.”


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani


Striking Microscopic Photos Of Butterfly Wings By Chris Perani

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