We teamed up again with the world’s leading photo game GuruShots to showcase the winning images from the Travel Stories challenge.
By competing in epic photography challenges against millions of photographers, you can get instant feedback and exposure from over three billion monthly votes and increase your ranking from Newbie to achieve the ultimate status (and bragging rights) of Guru.
Congratulations to those photographers who have made it to the top voted photos. To find out more, and to sign up and take part in the next challenge, visit www.gurushots.com.
#1 Top Photographer Winner – Bruno Ribeiro, Portugal

#2 Top Photo Winner – Martin Filčík, Slovakia

#3 Guru’s Top Pick Winner – Giampiero Resta, Italy

#4 Desmond Ng, Singapore

#5 Zennifer, United States

#6 George Boxwell, United States

#7 Jeffery Cahoon, United States

#8 Debbie Squier-Bernst, Canada

#9 John Slawik, United States

#10 Ilan Horn, Israel

#11 Cédric Labat, France

#12 Affandi Salleh, Singapore

#13 Jamil Badalov, Azerbaijan

#14 Haim Berman, Israel

#15 Edward Green, United States

#16 Riaan Van Wyk, South Africa

#17 Lin Lei Tun, Singapore

#18 Edward H Cordes III, United States

#19 Travis Hedrick, United States

#20 Gregor Kobilica, Slovenia

#21 Rares Ghetau, Great Britain (UK)

#22 Xan White, Switzerland

#23 Rute Martins, Portugal

#24 Rhydianbeynon, United Kingdom

#25 Dan Grant, Australia

#26 DONNA Dunham, United States

#27 Anna Peredelskaia, France

#28 David Cassidy, United states

#29 Dimitris Georgoulis, Greece

#30 Jane Currie, Canada

#31 Nate Riggins, United States

#32 Keith Milne, New Zealand

#33 Zbashova, Great Britain (UK)

#34 Kevin Duke, United States

#35 Violetta Wieczorek Kuchciak, United States

#36 Fran Gonzalez, Spain

#37 Steven Awh, France

#38 Philip Sonntag, New Zealand

#39 Josipa Madjar, Croatia

#40 David L’Esperance, United States

#41 Tom Smet, United States

#42 Andrea Bundy, United states

#43 Maguicarvalho, Portugal

#44 Vitek Líbal, Czechia

#45 Susana Belenkova, United States

#46 David Brinkman, United States

#47 Unnamed, India

#48 K-H. Foerster, Germany

#49 Mike Falkenstein, United States

#50 Arantxa Martinez, Spain

#51 Efraín Garcia Argumedo, Mexico

#52 Sakis Manolis, United Kingdom

#53 Gabi Pipó, Hungary

#54 Isak Venter, South Africa

#55 Gina, United States

#56 Lucy Ritzmann, United States

#57 ValeBG, United States

#58 Marta Marta, Poland

#59 Bryony Herrod-Taylor, United Kingdom

#60 Fred Brugman, Belgium

#61 Hasan Ttp, Turkey

#62 Mark Hilton, United States

#63 Andrew Benton, United States

#64 Alex Zlidin, Israel

#65 John Peters, United States

#66 Ege Erkorkmaz, Turkey

#67 Daggi M, Germany

#68 Morgan B.N, United States

#69 Dimitris Emmanoulopoulos, Greece

#70 Peter Armstrong, New Zealand

#71 Shooktj, United States

#72 Samantha Purea, United states

#73 Roberto Crucitti, Cambodia

#74 Tvrtko Maras, Croatia

#75 Thomas Evans, Martinique

#76 Lukasz Szubartowicz, Poland

#77 Ryszard Tutko, Poland

#78 Mike Weldon, United States

#79 Paolo Barozzi, Italy

#80 Michael Roberto, United States

#81 Luminita Veteleanu, Romania

#82 Kris and Naja Murphy, United States

#83 Merete Rotevatn, Norway

#84 Sreeja McKinnon, Australia

#85 Dai Xi, United kingdom

#86 AggieB, United States

#87 Monika Ginter, Poland

#88 Brandon Langiano, France

#89 Keith Mosley, Canada

#90 Sheri Fresonke Harper, United States

#91 George Williams, Great Britain (UK)

#92 Brian Spears, United States

#93 Alex Stolberg, Israel

#94 Joel Struble, United states

#95 Tanya Klimenko, Israel

#96 Sergiy Dolinni, United States

#97 Kathie Roller-Stell, Canada

#98 Adonis Angelodimou, Cyprus

#99 Chris Dyer, United States

#100 Stojan Saveski, North Macedonia

#101 Kevin Engler, Canada

#102 Jessie V., United States

#103 Ivory Marshall, United States

#104 Frumen Ludvik, Slovenia

#105 Jenn Pyles, United States

#106 Þorsteinn Friðriksson, Iceland

#107 Unnamed, United States

#108 Kayla watkins, United States

#109 Unnamed, United States

#110 Drihan Bester, Great Britain (UK)

#111 Dan DeFoy, United States

#112 Zack jones, United Kingdom

#113 Unnamed, United States

#114 debi88m, United Kingdom

#115 Andy Steward, United Kingdom

#116 Felix Hebeisen, Switzerland

#117 Richard Hader, Hungary

#118 Ash Brown, United States

#119 Amberdawn, United States

#120 Marie Bolin, Sweden

#121 Remi Sen, Lithuania

#122 Terry Nunn, United States

#123 Kerie Millican, United States

#124 Mrblond, Australia

#125 Ali Köksal, Azerbaijan

#126 Jay Michaud, United States

#127 lydiasant, Australia

#128 Barnaclefish, United States

#129 Joseph Hall, United Kingdom

#130 Amanda Potter, Canada

#131 David Ringrose, Great Britain (UK)

#132 Charly Brewer, United States

#133 A.Morten, United States

#134 Justinegordon, Great Britain (UK)

#135 Dianna Atchley, United States

#136 Che Cherkeza, Georgia

#137 Samantha Bailey, Australia

#138 Thad McClure, United States

#139 David Lannet, France

#140 Judy Reyes, United States

#141 Anthony Williama, United States

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