We teamed up again with the world’s leading photo game GuruShots to showcase the winning images from the Street Photography challenge.
By competing in epic photography challenges against millions of photographers, you can get instant feedback and exposure from over three billion monthly votes and increase your ranking from Newbie to achieve the ultimate status (and bragging rights) of Guru.
Congratulations to those photographers who have made it to the top voted photos. To find out more, and to sign up and take part in the next challenge, visit www.gurushots.com.
#1 Top Photographer Winner – Sanja B, Bosnia and Herzegovina

#2 Top Photo Winner – Viktoria Farkas, United States

#3 Guru’s Top Pick Winner – Chonlatid Deesara, Thailand

#4 Bryony Herrod-Taylor, United Kingdom

#5 Ralu Butnaru, Italy

#6 Luca Sharabidze, United States

#7 Fabiano Dos Santos, United States

#8 Gil Shmueli, Israel

#9 Derick Edwards, United States

#10 Irene Waters, Australia

#11 Dimitris Georgoulis, Greece

#12 Marion Catana, Romania

#13 Fábio Silva, Portugal

#14 Robin Batista, Tanzania

#15 Roberto Crucitti, Cambodia

#16 Marija Jilek, Croatia

#17 Dr Aiva, Lithuania

#18 Xan White, Switzerland

#19 Luís Laranjeira, Portugal

#20 Rupert Kraggenhupper, Australia

#21 Fred Zimmermann, Austria

#22 Ryszard Tutko, Poland

#23 Valdis Kundziņš, Latvia

#24 Haim Berman, Israel

#25 Thanasis V, Greece

#26 Csaba Petrény, Hungary

#27 Onno Rook, Netherlands

#28 Martin Emerson, Great Britain (UK)

#29 Zennifer, United States

#30 Jeanna Qvarnström, Sweden

#31 Luis Alberto Rios, Mexico

#32 Raja Subramanian, Singapore

#33 Susana Belenkova, United States

#34 George Williams, United Kingdom

#35 Violetta Wieczorek Kuchciak, United States

#36 Michael Gordon, Israel

#37 Art Wade, United States

#38 Kyle Peppe, United States

#39 Gina, United States

#40 Sean Corlett, Great Britain (UK)

#41 Herbert Stachelberger, Austria

#42 Jerry Martin, United States

#43 Icm Pruitt, United States

#44 Nicholas Wong, United States

#45 Danielle Belvoix, United States

#46 Paolo Barozzi, Italy

#47 Sarah Hayley, United States

#48 Jean-Marc Bélicard, France

#49 Mike Bryck, Canada

#50 Marius Forgaciu, Romania

#51 Lynne Hampson, United Kingdom

#52 Anita Janusz, Australia

#53 Mark Hilton, United States

#54 Yana, Grenada

#55 Nemo Beads, Croatia

#56 Mother Nature, United Kingdom

#57 Steve Kruger, Australia

#58 Unnamed, United States

#59 Dudanu, Romania

#60 Tibor Mogyorósi, Hungary

#61 Ivossmann, Estonia

#62 Montse Ruiz, United States

#63 Rute Martins, Portugal

#64 Balazs Kadar, Hungary

#65 Kintsugi Media, United States

#66 Mauro Castagna, Italy

#67 Ashley Levinson, United States

#68 Txnsomniagirl, United States

#69 Kath Speed, United Kingdom

#70 Sergii Ofitser, Ukraine

#71 Doc Leora Leeder, Israel

#72 Telmo Martins, Portugal

#73 Peter Merz, Canada

#74 Jan Hofer, Switzerland

#75 Jean-Francois Faure, France

#76 Paula Wild at Heart, United Kingdom

#77 Heather Brown, United States

#78 Gaby Burtin, France

#79 Gabi Pipó, Hungary

#80 Bill Chilcott, Australia

#81 Sophia De Silva, Australia

#82 Iryna Skoropad, Spain

#83 Michael Waters, United States

#84 Nicolas Drapier, France

#85 KC Smith, United States

#86 Susie Bennett, United Kingdom

#87 Andy Steward, United Kingdom

#88 Hadi Yashruti, United Arab Emirates

#89 Martine Clause, Luxembourg

#90 Tallulah mae, United States

#91 Rob Huckle, United Kingdom

#92 Rob Urquhart, United States

#93 Unnamed, United States

#94 Sheri Fresonke Harper, United States

#95 Brian Spears, United States

#96 Joshua Masters, United States

#97 Gabriel Dennis, United States

#98 Alex Stolberg, Israel

#99 Roberto Illari, Netherlands

#100 Frank Cheong, Singapore

#101 Philip Drury, United Kingdom

#102 Asahi Chinen, United States

#103 Clarence Lin, United States

#104 Laurence CV, France

#105 Joel Struble, United states

#106 Cristiana Paun, Romania

#107 Simona L. Neumann, Romania

#108 Frank Shufletoski, Canada

#109 Kira Kaurinkoski, Finland

#110 John Darque, United States

#111 Dunnigan MacIlwaine, United States

#112 Maximos Lih, United States

#113 Lorenzo Sanchez, United States

#114 Lukasz Szubartowicz, Poland

#115 Asael Lopez, United States

#116 Danielle F, United States

#117 Jeremy Nease, United States

#118 Karen Moore, United Kingdom

#119 Carlos Alberto Garcia R, Mexico

#120 Brandy Case, United States

#121 Jonathan C, United States

#122 Lance Meredith, United States

#123 Serge Manseau, Canada

#124 Vincent Nusunginya, United States

#125 Thomas DeLaine, Jr, United States

#126 Jamil Badalov, Azerbaijan

#127 Henry Smith, United States

#128 Kimber Lights, Canada

#129 Vesna Vukusic, Canada

#130 Lucy Sr, United States

#131 Tina Dwyer, United States

#132 Forrest Rice 92, United States

#133 Jessie Redak, United States

#134 Jeff Baus, Luxembourg

#135 Adrian Arias, United States

#136 Gil Geoffroy 12, France

#137 Noel Wong, United kingdom

#138 Trisha Leazier, United States

#139 Jeff Breen, Canada

#140 Gary Morton, United States

#141 Karl Geisler, Greenland

#142 Santford Overton, United States

#143 Manfred Blaha, Austria

#144 Vbsm, Australia

#145 Davidarthur1107, United Kingdom

#146 Timothy McDowell Jr., United States

#147 Alain Fournier, Canada

#148 Viktoriia Borshcheva, United States

#149 Bogdan Gorny, Canada

#150 JayaShankar Mangina, United States

#151 Renee Simpson, United States

#152 Viktor Balázs, United Kingdom

#153 Melvin Stewart, United States

#154 Daggi M., Germany

#155 Simo Järvinen, Finland

#156 Nóra Berczi, Hungary

#157 Shane Gower, New Zealand

#158 Tjeert Mensinga, Netherlands

#159 Philippe Milbault, France

#160 Marie LeBlanc, United States

#161 Eleana Gropelli, Italy

#162 Mr Rasmussen, Denmark

#163 Chris Duemmel, United States

#164 Nathan van Haaren, United States

#165 David Cassidy, United states

#166 Ryan Riley, United States

#167 PNW Sasquatch, United States

#168 Stephen Pitkin, Cambodia

#169 Adonis Angelodimou, Cyprus

#170 Mike Tripodi, United States

#171 Mauro Carraro, Australia

#172 Jane Currie, Canada

#173 Felix Hebeisen, Switzerland

#174 Manfred Matzinger, Austria

#175 Luis Barria, Argentina

#176 Dragana Jankovic, Serbia

#177 Jeffrey Dandridge Sr, United States

#178 Christopher Reeve, United States

#179 Kristin Langlais, United States

#180 Pmbiggin, Australia

#181 Unnamed, United Kingdom

#182 Caroline Bates, United States

#183 Mrk Hodgson, United States

#184 Silvia Rothleitner, Austria

#185 Trond Strand, Norway

#186 Blake Edwards, United States

#187 Chad Branco, United States

#188 Courtney Friend, United States

#189 Niels Stjernborg, Sweden

#190 Tara Murphy, United States

#191 Sabine Forstner, Austria

#192 Redd Eye Vizionz, United States

#193 Py Py, United States

#194 Timothy Moore, United States

#195 Abbey Matheny, United States

#196 Roger Elsey, United Kingdom

#197 Lady Applegate, United States

#198 Saramatangel, United States

#199 Zazza74

#200 Safet Hasanoski, Austria

#201 Carlakshaffer, United States

#202 KChung, HongKong

#203 iVision, United States

#204 Olivier Piret, Belgium

#205 Christopher Schroeder, United States

#206 Sellarstony, United Kingdom

#207 Tanja Phensri Yaemsamruai Mogensen, Denmark

#208 Milla Martin Selden, Sweden

#209 Judy Reyes, United States

#210 Simón Rico Jiménez, Spain

#211 Kim Piescor, United States

#212 Letizia Nissel, Germany

#213 Paolo Sbalzer, Italy

#214 Klaudia Bezjak, Germany

#215 Anna Jordan, United States

#216 Devin Jensen, United States

#217 Arantxa Martinez, Spain

#218 Rudi Everaert, Belgium

#219 Dx NiRan Raj, Singapore

#220 Unnamed, Ireland

#221 Þorsteinn Friðriksson, Iceland

#222 ANNA MMM, Great Britain (UK)

223 Demian Kleczewski, Netherlands

#224 Tim Taylor, United States

#225 Teresa Mastin, United States

#226 Keren Lifschitz, United States

#227 Unnamed, Italy

#228 Linen Xaipw Delacon, United States

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