Here are the 20 funniest tattoo designs that are amusingly creative and cool. These tattoos look kind of funny at first sight, but you will find them very cool later on. You can find more tattoo designs in any style at

Scroll down and enjoy yourself. All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites. It is a trend that imprints their funny ideas as tattoos on their body, the Tattoo Ointment helps a lot in aftercare.

#1 Creative, and funny

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#2 A cute ghost

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#3 Impressive!

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#4 Hilarious

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#5 It looks fun

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#6 Hi

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#7 Love this

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#8 Take a rest

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#9 Cool

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#10 Brmm, Brmm

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#11 Lmao

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#12 Wow

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#13 I know you wish to chill like me

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#14 Just clean it up

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#15 That was so real

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#16 Get out of me

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#17 I am watching you

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#18 Don’t touch me

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#19 That’s impressive

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

#20 I hope I don’t fall

Funny Tattoos

Image Source: Imgur

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