Category : Photo Stories

Photo Story – Beyond The Act By Anirban Mukhopadhyay

Calcutta has always been the centre of art and culture in India, among which theatre played a pivotal role in shaping up the social mind set of the city. The tradition of mainstream theatre is believed to have been started since the 1940s. Calcutta has witnessed the rise of both…

Survivors – The True Face of a Victim by Ken Hermann

Every year people in Bangladesh are disfigured beyond recognition by acid attacks. The victims are literally scarred for life. Award-winning photographer Ken Hermann and video journalist Tai Klan visited Bangladesh and returned with a striking series of photos and a documentary that emphasizes the resilience of the mutilated victims It…

Beautiful Documentary Photo-Stories showing us life is all about love & faith

Story of mankind, those intolerable diseases, rather painful moments and contagious discomfort. Against all these odds, there remains some strong hold for love, faith and a concrete reason to prolong life as we call it. That specific reason to raise your head against the high tides and tsunamic struggles life…

Most Intense & Painful Photo Stories on Child labor

Child Labor still prevails in most of the developing countries and could well be called as a sin to keep those innocent children away from education, depriving of their childhood. There will be numerous laws and legislations across the globe trying its hand in prohibiting and on the process of…

Portrait Series: Your Pet and You by Tobias Lang

Meet Tobias Lang, a fantastic photographer and a creative thinker who has compiled a stunning photo series on different people with their beloved pets. This Strange collection serves to identify and explain lot of similarities between the owner and pet, their reactions, the art of being together and so on.…

15 Amazing Photo Series about India In Boston Big Picture

India will remain the land of festivities, colors, action and of course lots of stories for its varied social classes and political scenarios. Boston being one of the legends in creating impact with mass journalism has had their prominent say when it comes to covering a photo-story against global issues.…

The Feminine Power by Balarka Brahma

A focus on girls’ education in India has put in place since the 1986 National Policy on Education and the 1992 Program of Action, followed by the SSA program launched in 2001, National Curriculum Framework in 2005 and the National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education in 2010. These policies were…

The Spellbinders by Mohammad Moniruzzaman

‘The Spellbinders’ is a photography project aimed to document the rapidly diminishing rural circus of Bangladesh. Traditional circus troupes were one of the major attractions in rural fairs and festivals, once. The vivid colors, jaw-dropping performances and hilarious acts of the clowns were so captivating that people waited throughout the…

Most Influential Documentary Photography Stories

Documentary photography shows us exactly what our world looks like at any given moment in time. Whether the pictures are bleak, playful, angering or astounding, they all serve a historically significant purpose. We look at the change we can bring upon the individual or a community through the pictures. The…

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