Category : Inspirations

50 Mind Blowing Monsoon Photos

Smell the rain as the drops of water sprinkle over the thin air, the monsoon is high in the cards and to feel the adverse effect of this critical nature’s prospect should be sensational. From the photographers point of view, wonderful scenes everywhere, enveloped in moisture and supreme atmosphere. Frames…

121 Clicks Flickr Best Entries Of June 2013

A Grand tribute to all our Flickr fans, who has been submitting their wonderful pictures to our group pool. We have decided to bring a post every month with some top pictures from our group pool. We hope this would be of great inspiration to the photographers out there. Keep…

The Beauty of Eiffel Tower from various Photographers

Named after a french civil engineer Gustave Eiffel, this tower stands tall over period of time. Here in this post of ours, we have collected some amazing pictures of Eiffel tower over the years, these pictures show us how modernization has its impact on this tower and humanity.The tower its…

121 Clicks Flickr Best Entries Of May 2013

A Grand tribute to all our Flickr fans, who has been submitting their wonderful pictures to our group pool. We have decided to bring a post every month with some top pictures from our group pool. We hope this would be of great inspiration to the photographers out there. Keep…

Landscape Photographer Portfolios for Inspiration – Part1

Beyond the clouds and the ecstasy of what these mountains, valleys and endless oceans could speak there remains a landscape filled with silence and so much for our astonishment. A Zen Proverb says, Mountains keep flowing while the river remains passive and stands tall midst the chaos around time and conscience. These Landscapes and…

Minimalism in Street Photography – Color Collection

Minimalism in Street Photography is an interesting concept and a simple shortcut in taking your photography to the next level. Composition is of-course the everything when approaching a minimal shot, various elements are taken into consideration, such as where to position your subject inside the frame, balancing your composition, and…

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