Category : Inspirations

Matthias Leberle – This German Photographer Shoots Film And Reveals His Inspiration Comes From Everyday Life

This brilliant portrait photographer from Germany, shows us to what extent passion towards art can drive you to achieve excellence and inspire the world. This is Matthias Leberle for us, who has a phenomenal portfolio towards portrait photography. His words are very simple and straight forward and all they could…

17 Surreal Worlds Photos Created With Iphone By Charlie Davoli

Check these amazing Surreal Worlds photos created with Apple’s iPhone by Charlie Davoli. Charlie explains his views with Boredpanda: “When I walk down the street, I shoot anything that catches my attention, creating an immense archive of photos. The creation of a new dreamscape happens at a later stage in…

Heart Touching Photos Reveal How Refugee Children Today Are Same as Those From World War II

Check these heart touching photographs how refugee children today are same as those from World War II. All images and captions via © UNICEF. Learn more about the refugee and migrant crisis in Europe. You can find UNICEF on the Web: Website, Facebook, Tumblr, Donate (For more info Medium, MyModernMet)  …

Gorgeous Dance Portraits By Russian Photographer Alexander Yakovlev

Studio-dance photographer Alexander Yakovlev from Russia is back with gorgeous portraits of professional dancers. Dynamic and powerful, his new photo series “The Mirages” immortalizes the graceful movements of the dancers with the help of exploding flour. Follow Alexader from below links for more amazing photos. Follow Alexander Yakovlev on the…

Slovakian Photographer Michal Zahornacky Tell Surreal Stories Through His Photographs

Michal Zahornacky is a fine art photographer from Slovakia. Michal loves to photograph which have their own story and which can express more than thousand words in one picture. Check these endless imaginations of Michal Zahornacky. Follow Michal Zahornacky on the Web: Website, Facebook (View photos on Boredpanda)  …

Photographer Christian Vieler Captures Hilarious Expressions Of Dogs When They Catch Treats

German Photographer Christian Vieler captures hilarious expressions of dogs when they catch treats. When Christian Vieler explains to Bored Panda “Every shoot I am looking for that specific moment when the dog is looking as cute or funny as they can be. That cannot be seen without the power of…

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