Basic Photography Lighting Tutorials

The light control is very important in Photography. Photography is all about Light. In this article, we listed some of best articles and tutorials about Photography Lighting. Lighting 101 We are pretty much starting from scratch, so no worries. The first posts will be about what kind of gear you…

Inspiring Photography TED Talks

10 Inspiring Photography TED Talks

TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) is a global set of conferences owned by the private non-profit Sapling Foundation, formed to disseminate “ideas worth spreading.” Here is a list of 10 Inspiring Photography TED talks. Please check TED website for some more inspiring talks. #1 Jonathan Klein: Photos that changed the…

Showcase of the Week – Wade Langley

I have always appreciated artistic expressions in various forms, from photography to painting, from drawing to design. But being a pharmacist by trade, I was rarely able to express myself artistically. Photography has been an ideal outlet for my creativity. My personal interest in photography began about six years ago…

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