Powerful Imagery: The Photographer’s Insight – An Ebook By Mitchell Kanashkevich

Until sometime, it had never been a trend for famous photographers and pro’s to share their winning formula, show their before and afters, most valuable contact sheets, and some insight into the on field expertise. But the time seems to be changing and indeed on a positive note more professional…

The Best 100 Flickr Entries in 2013

This post must be a reward for a year long patience, there had been so much of rejections and we are awestruck at your never give-up  attitude to keep submitting those incredible photographs to our Flickr group pool over and over again. Most importantly photographers had always questioned about contributing…

Top 25 Positive Photography Tutorials of 2013 – A Genial Roundup

Tutorials no matter what genre they represent, had always earned warm applause from our readers. Interesting how to’s and realistic tips  for any photographer had been our motto behind writing these tutorials. In a way, our articles have been slightly advanced level since our fans & readers demand such diversity…

Most Memorable Photography Galleries in 2013 – A Roundup

A particular theme or a visual story gains more domination when we add a few incredible photographs to assist the basic idea for curating any photo gallery. This process of enriching the visual story had been presented by us through some surprising and deviant galleries over the years. Since we…

The Greatest articles on Photography this year 2013 – A Smashing Roundup

When it comes to quality about articles, we do strive hard to put forth the word perfection and had set a benchmark with ourselves regarding the content we do publish with 121clicks. This year has been a tremendous learning curve for our editors panel by associating ourselves and pushing the…

30 Tips and Tricks for Portrait Photography by Neil Creek

Neil Creek has just published his new ebook 30 Tips and Tricks for Portrait Photography which is a distillation of his experience shooting portraits into wisdom that you can apply to your photo shoots today. Here he shares a little bit of that knowledge. No matter what camera you own,…

Survivors – The True Face of a Victim by Ken Hermann

Every year people in Bangladesh are disfigured beyond recognition by acid attacks. The victims are literally scarred for life. Award-winning photographer Ken Hermann and video journalist Tai Klan visited Bangladesh and returned with a striking series of photos and a documentary that emphasizes the resilience of the mutilated victims It…

Mark Citret – Inspiration from Masters of Photography

Mark Citret is an American Photographer, born in Buffalo- New York during 1949. It was only during 1968, Mark started taking photography more seriously, which made him to receive both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Arts from the San Francisco State University. © Mark Citret Mark is known for…

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