8 Simple DIY Smartphone Photography Tips & Ideas

In this video tutorial photographer Richard Schabetsberger demonstrate some creative smartphone photography tips & tricks. Watch and Enjoy. For more photography tips and tutorials visit COOPH Youtube Channel and Website. #1 Aerial Aerial photography (using a helium balloon, fishing line and a remote shutter) #2 Sunglass Filter Use your sunglasses…

40+ Absolutely Perfect Symmetry Photos That Will Amaze You!!

Symmetry in everyday language refers to a sense of harmonious and beautiful proportion and balance. In mathematics, “symmetry” has a more precise definition, that an object is invariant to a transformation, such as reflection but including other transforms too. A geometric shape or object is symmetric if it can be…

Dina Belenko Explaining About How To Shoot Twisted Splashes Of Drinks

This Photographer is super innovative and lets us know that through this simple yet clever way of shooting still life objects with a spur of wonderful creativity. You can try this at home, its as simple as that, giving way for your compositions and thoughts beyond imaginations. In this tutorial…

Travel Photography Tips by Rick Sammon – An Amazing Video Talk

Renowned Travel Photographer and Author Rick Sammon stops by the Googleplex for a discussion about travel photography. Rick Sammon has published more than 30 books, incluidng Rick Sammon’s Digital Photography Secrets, Face to Face, Exploring the Light and Rick Sammon’s Pocket Guide to Travel Photography. Hope this video tips very…

My Photos have only One Idea – Interview with Barcelona Street Photographer Ignasi Raventós

Ignasi Raventós is an outstanding Street Photographer from Barcelona, Spain. According to Ignasi a memorable street photo should have “the capture of reality, the fleeting moment that will never be repeated, composition, perspective, light, intention and originality.” In every instance, he has nailed such beautiful moments in his portfolio and teaches us what it…

The Mother of Zoom – This New Nikon Coolpix P900 Insane Zoom can show the Moon moving

The below video taken on Nikon Coolpix P900 that zoom captures the movement of the Moon has gone viral on the internet. Photographer Lothar Lenz used the camera’s 83x Optical Zoom lens to capture this stunning scene. The Nikon P900 cost around 600usd. Watch this and enjoy. Know more about…

Young Love – Bold & Stunning Series on Beautiful Couple

In this short photo essay, Nirrimi captures a beautiful relationship between them. Those words of description takes the story way apart from the usual making you think and be more curious about the background of each of them. The pictures are beautiful with natural light. Follow Nirrimi on the Web:…

Why do you shoot – Watch this video and you will have more pride being a Photographer

Why do you want to photograph, why did you choose photography, what makes you press that small black shutter button. There are a lot many questions within us that every one of us must learn to find an answer for. In this touching video, the photographer slowly opens up as…

Ramin Nasibov – This graphic designer shoots simple buildings in a most stylish way

Ultimate compositions with a great eye for artistic detailing adding to that a photographer considering the geometrical aspects inside a field of view. Ramin Nasibov, without any surprise hails from an art background, working as a graphic designer his vision and love for symmetry, minimalism and interesting compositions are vivid…

Bird Photography: 15 Incredible Tips for Beginners – An Ebook Review

Bird Photography: 15 Incredible Tips for Beginners eBook is written by well-known nature photographer, Prathap who is the owner of Nature Photography Simplified blog. Prathap’s knowledge on bird photography is commendable, but what sets him apart is his way of writing. He distills all the complex concepts of bird photography…

A Young man travels to India and shoots some of the most powerful portraits of Common People

Mustafa Abdul Hadi is a wonderful portrait photographer from Bahrain. His love for people and travel photography has pushed him to go beyond boundaries and his recent visit to India has produced some of the most powerful portraits of common people you will see. About the photographs, all of these…

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