Photographer Craig P. Burrows Captures Intensely Beautiful Flowers Under Ultraviolet Lights

Craig P. Burrows is a 29-year-old photographer based in Southern California. Craig amazingly captures flowers under infrared and ultraviolet lights, turning them into something out-of-this-world. Check these beautiful tiny details in each photograph, we wouldn’t normally be noticed. You can find Craig P. Burrows on the web: Website Instagram Via:…

Aerial Flowers: Photo Series By Italian Photographer Erika Zolli

Aerial Flowers – Erika focuses on the body and its harmonious development through movement. The project consists of a series of eight images showing the same subject immortalized in eight different positions. Minimal images on a black background embellished by the sensuality of the aerial disciplines of the circus and…

Interview With American Avian Photographer Scott Keys

Scott Keys is a Avian Photographer from Lehigh Valley, PA. In his words “A great picture shows the beauty of its subject and environment. It also provokes a thought emotion or connection. If a viewer can inspire a thought or emotion, I think it’s powerful.” Thanks Scott Keys, for accepting…

Photographer Roberta Baneviciene Beautifully Captured Her Daughter With Every Possible Flower In Her Hand

UK based Award Winning Photographer Roberta Baneviciene beautifully captured her daughter with every possible flower In her hand. Me and my daughter would always find ourselves with flowers in our hands. So, this inspired me to take photographs with as many flowers as I could find and in every season…

Interview With Canadian Fine Art Portrait Photographer Jessica Lichon

Jessica Lichon is a 25-year-old Fine Art Portrait Photographer from Okanagan Valley in BC, Canada. In her words “I feel my photographs provide a glimpse into fairy ethereal fantasy worlds. I also mix between bright colorful imagery, and darker moodier tones. My subjects are usually women interacting with a mystical…

Lightroom vs Capture One: What You Don’t Know About RAW Image Files

Here in this video tutorial, photographer Ted Forbes compared the Adobe Lightroom and Capture One and the results are amazing. To understand the resulting photos, you have to understand a few things about the RAW format and how it is interpreted. Please watch this video. For more photography tutorials, follow…

Winners Of 2017 International Wedding Photographer Of The Year

These are the winning photos of 2017 International Wedding Photographer of the Year (IWPOTY). IWPOTY honors the art of wedding photography around the world in different categories. Please check below photographs and inspire yourself. You can find IWPOTY on the web: Website Facebook Instagram Grand Prize winner & Solo Portrait…

Interview With Turkish Street Photographer İlker Karaman

Bringing you this new series of interviews with some of the greatest faces of contemporary photography from all genres. This time around, we render this beautiful conversation with IIker Karaman, a street Photographer from Turkey. Have a read and stay inspired. Interviewed by Siddharthan Raman. If you want to feature…

Photography Tutorials For Beginners: Create Amazing Details In The Eyes With Photoshop

Here in this video tutorial, photographer Unmesh Dinda from Piximperfect explains how to create amazing details in the eyes using Photoshop. In this eye retouching tutorial, Unmesh use the power of Curves, Masks, Blend Modes, and Blend-If, you will learn a very simple but highly effective way to bring life…

Photographer Christian Vieler Amazingly Captured The Portraits Of Dogs Catching Treats in Mid-Air

German Photographer Christian Vieler has been taking dog portraits since 2016. He came up with the latest series of Dogs catching treats. Christian features pairs basset hounds, border collies and labradors trying to catch a treat in mid-air. The photos capture a humorous range of expressions, from expectancy to surprise,…

Self-Love: Photographer Hsin Wang Deeply Captured Her Feelings About Romantic Relationships

After a major break up, I deeply believed that if I didn’t transform myself into a more likable woman, there would be no more happiness in my life. So I started to dispose of everything that defined the old “me”-things I did, said, and even believed, and in particular the…

How To Turn Your Canon Into A Monochrome Powerhouse

Taking monochrome photos can add a sense of depth and intimacy to a moment and to your portfolio as a photographer. Canon products can help make your monochrome photographs more effective and set you apart from others. Canon products have multiple features that enhance monochrome photography; if you’re asking yourself…

Almost Everything Is Coincidence, Luck And Chance: Photography Talk By William Klein

“Almost everything is coincidence and luck and chance.” William Klein is one of the twentieth century’s most important photographers and film-makers and in this interview for Tate Media, he discusses his experience photographing on the streets of New York, the challenges in publishing his first New York book and how…

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