Photographer Reuben Wu Uses Drones To Capture Mountain Halos, And The Result Is Out Of This World

Liverpool-born and Chigaco-based musician and photographer Reuben Wu uses Drones to capture Mountain Halos. Reuben is known for his pioneering methods of using drone-mounted lights to illuminate landscapes, giving them an otherworldly quality reminiscent of a sci-fi movie. These images are part of an ongoing project called Lux Noctis, which…

7 Monograph Books Every Photographer Must Own

Here in this video talk, photographer Ted Forbes presenting his favorite Monograph books. Hope you will like this video, For more photography videos, follow The Art of Photography: Website Facebook Twitter Amazon We are sharing this tutorial from The Art Of Photography Youtube Channel. Please follow their channel for more amazing…

Interview With Swiss Nature Photographer Guillaume Kaufmann

Guillaume Kaufmann is a Nature & Macro Photographer from Swiss Jura mountains, Switzerland. As hey says : “photography will be forever related to his grandfather who was a real “gear fanboy” and had a very nice collection of analogue cameras. Unfortunately, he died when I was 6 years old. I…

Magnum Photographer David Alan Harvey Talks About On The Subject Of HOME

Magnum Photographer David Alan Harvey on the subject of “HOME” In collaboration with FUJIFILM, Magnum Photos is on a major new project exploring the subject of “HOME”. An exhibition of the work will tour to seven cities around the world starting in March 2018, and be accompanied by a photobook.…

Cutest Photos Of Newborns At The Center Of Handmade Mandalas By Gabriele Dabasinskaite

Check these cutest photos of newborn babies at the center of handmade mandalas by photographer Gabriele Dabasinskaite (Just Gaba Photography). In her words about this project: “When I was 7 years old, I discovered graphic arts. It was my passion and I went that path for a very long time.…

Photographer Benjamin Von Wong Transformed 4,100 Pounds Of e-Waste Into Post-Apocalyptic Landscapes

Every single day, 142,000 computers are thrown away in the United States alone. At least, that was the case in 2010. Electronic waste is the fastest growing municipal waste stream in the world. Today, that number is far higher and the only way to alleviate the situation is getting people…

Interview With Swiss Photographer Anne Closuit Eisenhart

Anne Closuit Eisenhart is a Fine Art Photographer from Switzerland. In her words “My images are essentially still-life and landscapes, yet I would say my photography is emotional. I pick simple objects present in my house and make them talk to each other, creating tension or harmony. It works the…

Photography Tutorials For Beginners: How To Edit Dreamy, Light & Airy Portraits In Lightroom

In this Lightroom editing tutorial, Chelsea Nicole sharing a simple and easy step-by-step breakdown on how to edit portraits to create luminous, light & airy style images popular among many wedding and portrait photographers. It also includes a power tip using brushes to enhance this look and create separation between…

Photographer Craig P. Burrows Captures Intensely Beautiful Flowers Under Ultraviolet Lights

Craig P. Burrows is a 29-year-old photographer based in Southern California. Craig amazingly captures flowers under infrared and ultraviolet lights, turning them into something out-of-this-world. Check these beautiful tiny details in each photograph, we wouldn’t normally be noticed. You can find Craig P. Burrows on the web: Website Instagram Via:…

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