25 Most Inspiring Master Photographer Quotes

Here are some inspiring famous photography quotes from masters of photography. I am sure, these quotes will inspire and eye-opening for many budding photographers. My personal favorite is from master photographer Elliott Erwitt’s “Nothing happens when you sit at home. I always make it a point to carry a camera…

My Personal Best: UK Portrait Photographer Eszter Halasi

I am a passionate photographer when I started taking the picture of my kids I just wanted to n capture our family moments what we could look at together in the future when they get older. My children feel very comfortable before the camera. No matter when I take pictures…

My Personal Best: Greece Photographer Tasos Koutsiaftis

I was born and raised in Athens, Greece. I studied Mechanical Engineer in Patra City, Greece and took my first steps in photography in 2013. I have attended many seminars about photography and have exposed my work in several group exhibitions in Greece and abroad. In 2017 I won the…

My Personal Best: Italian Street Photographer Andrea Rossi

Born and living in Milan, Italy. My dad was a passionate amateur photographer, but I bought my first camera only at the age of 30. With years, my interest became a passion: I was inspired by HCB, Elliott Erwitt, Martin Parr, Luigi Ghirri, Nils Jorgensen. Then the passion became a…

My Personal Best: Greece Fine Art Photographer Eirini Lachana

My Personal Best: Greece Fine Art Photographer Eirini Lachana

My name is Eirini Lachana and I was born in Athens, Greece, where I currently live. I started the journey to photography four years ago. Since then I am an active member of the “Photographic Circle” group in Athens. Through this ‘optical journey’ I try to leave either clear imprints…

Interview With Photographer Marcelo Caballero

Marcelo Caballero is a photographer and journalist from Barcelona. He is also co-founder of street photography collective in Spain: Calle 35. Marcelo traveled around the world like South America, India, China, Russia, Antarctica, Nepal, etc. and his works published Argentine magazines. He has also published 4 books called Human Colors…

Conversing With The Posters: Street Photography Series By Niladri Adhikary

Kolkata is the Cultural Capital of India. It has long been known for its literary, artistic and revolutionary heritage. As the former capital of India, Kolkata was the birthplace of modern Indian literary, artistic and scholastic thought. Kolkatans tend to have a special appreciation for art and literature; its tradition…

My Personal Best: Hungarian Photographer Katalin Borsik-Budai

Hello, I’m Katalin Borsik-Budai, I live in Hungary. I am a passionate photographer. I started photographing 5 years ago, although I had taken pictures a long time ago, only without a device, just in my head. Photography is true self-expression for me, therapy, happiness. Just like writing a diary, my…

My Personal Best: Bangladeshi Photographer Hasnat Islam Rizon

Hi, I am Hasnat Islam Rizon from Bangladesh. I started my photography back in 2012. I love to capture people’s daily life, portrait, and landscapes. Photography is like food for the soul to me. I always tried to capture life around me, the expressions of happiness, landscapes and portraits. I…

My Personal Best: Russian Street Photographer Denis Dukhovnik

Hello all, my name is Denis Dukhovnik. I live in Domodedovo, Russia. I am originally from Belarus. Mostly I shoot in Moscow, I like this city. My trip to street photography wasn’t that long ago. This is an exciting experience. It has its excitement, interest, and surprise. I like the…

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