Graphic Designer Randy Lewis Creates Amazing Photo Manipulations

Graphic Designer Randy Lewis creates amazing photo manipulations. Randy is a brand identity specialist, he works for major brands, check his website for an amazing portfolio. “This or That” is a new photo manipulation series created by Randy is a mix of fun and anguishing feelings. He merges the most…

Artist Meggy Wilm Creates Colorful Stained Glass Art Inspired By Nature

Artist Meggy Wilm Creates Colorful Stained Glass Art Inspired By Nature

Artist Meggy Wilm creates colorful stained glass art inspired by nature. The term stained glass refers either to colored glass as a material or to works created from it. Throughout its thousand-year history, the term has been applied almost exclusively to the windows of churches and other significant religious buildings.…

Adorable Baby's Photos Go Totally Viral Because She's Just So Grumpy Expression

Adorable Baby’s Photos Go Totally Viral Because She’s Just So Grumpy Expression

Ohio-based photographer Justine Tuhey captured Adorable baby’s photos go totally viral because she is just so grumpy expression. Luna was born in November of 2019 and like many families, her parents Christian and Lori took her to a photographer to capture that precious early stage of life indefinitely. Photographer Justine…

Are Video Games An Important Art Form

Are Video Games An Important Art Form?

In 2019, Ushio Tokura created Aquasomnia, an art piece depicting an ancient sea witch breaking her head through the deep blue sea. It was widely appreciated by those who saw it, and it wasn’t the creator’s first work; prior to that, they’d also created Flower Corpse, a rotting shrine to…

Photographer Shubham Jayvant Kothavale Captured The Cute And Colorful Betta Fishes

Photographer Shubham Jayvant Kothavale Captured The Cute And Colorful Betta Fishes

I choose the betta fishes theme because they are so cute and colorful they live in normal water and show their colors. The betta was first discovered in Southeast Asia. Making its home in rice paddies, drainage ditches, and the warm flood plains of the region, the betta became accustomed…

Me And Myself: Experience An Inner Dialogue By Dasha Pears

Me And Myself: Experience An Inner Dialogue By Dasha Pears

All of us experience an inner dialogue. We have a mental image of ourselves that we are talking to almost every moment of our life and about anything: hopes, troubles, Sunday shopping, memories from the past, what the person standing next to us thinks about us. Every person’s identity is…

Photographer Sulabh Lamba Use the Sun To Creates Playful Silhouette Photos

Photographer Sulabh Lamba Use the Sun To Creates Playful Silhouette Photos

Indian photographer and visual artist Sulabh Lamba creates cinematic silhouette photos that playfully incorporate the sunset. Sulabh takes these photos in a very creative and unique way. Sulabh Lamba is a 22-year-old who lives in the small village of Golia, located around 60 miles southwest of New Delhi, India. When…

Artist José Manuel Castro López Creates Stunning Hand-Carved Stone Sculptures

Artist José Manuel Castro López Creates Stunning Hand-Carved Stone Sculptures

Spanish-based artist José Manuel Castro López creates stunning hand-carved stone sculptures that look like they’re made of soft putty. In his words “My relationship with the stone is not only physical but also magical. They manifest, they obey me, and we understand each other. I adapt to its essence, I…

Wonderful Videography Tips For Shooting With Sony A7 III Like A Pro

Wonderful Videography Tips For Shooting With Sony A7 III Like A Pro

Sony, famed for its competency in manufacturing advanced cameras, introduced this wonderful A7 III edition as a masterpiece for professional videography. The luxury of shooting well-balanced videos is the consistent destiny of the camera, but with the default function and out of productive gear, even the smart pixels do not…

Artist David Álvarez Creates Black And White Illustrations That Reflects Fantasy and Reality

Artist David Álvarez Creates Black And White Illustrations That Reflects Fantasy and Reality

Mexico-based artist David Álvarez creates black and white illustrations that reflect fantasy and reality. David’s works highlights emerge from the negative space and become the light on stone walls, on faces, and on glowing wings and shiny armor. In his words “There is an attempt to represent how humanity moves,…

UK Artist Elin Price Creates Gorgeous & Delicate Paper Cutting Pieces

UK Artist Elin Price Creates Gorgeous & Delicate Paper Cutting Pieces

UK-based artist Elin Price creates gorgeous and delicate paper-cutting pieces. Elin loves the versatility of the material and the transformative nature of the craft – using an everyday material and making it into something beautiful and valued. In her words “I love the versatility of the material and the transformative…

Artist Tach Pollard Creates Magical Creatures With Long Limbs Made Out Of Oak Tree Roots

Artist Tach Pollard Creates Magical Creatures With Long Limbs Made Out Of Oak Tree Roots

UK-based artist Tach Pollard creates magical creatures with long limbs made out of oak tree roots. Tach Pollard transforms gnarled tree roots into fantastical creatures inspired by European folklore. The sleek sculptures have spindly legs and long cloaks, which give them each an air of mystery. In his words about…

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