Winning Photos Of Siena Drone Photo Awards 2022

25 Stunning Winning Photos Of Siena Drone Photo Awards 2022

Here are the stunning winning photos of the 2022 Siena Drone Photo Awards. The image titled Big Bang, immortalized by French photographer Armand Sarlangue, is the overall winner of Drone Photo Awards 2022, the most important international contest of aerial photography. The winning shot, selected by the jury among thousands…

Photography Website Templates

Getting An Online Project Ready Using Photography Website Templates: 5 Stages To Go Through

A strong web portfolio is essential for any aspiring photographer. You can be a student, freelancer, or new to the field. Having a well-designed site will bring your activity to the attention of the individuals who can utilize it. A big portfolio of the material may appear to be a…

Justifications For Pursuing A Degree In Photography

Justifications For Pursuing A Degree In Photography

Nowadays, understudies pursue their dreams in many different niches. And one of them certainly belongs to studying photography. As a result of the widespread availability of camera systems on mobile devices, photographing has seen an explosion in popularity, making it more challenging for individual photographs to stand out. But if…

The Surreal Art By Andrew Ferez

Artist Andrew Ferez Creates Surreal And Fantasy Storytelling Art

Russian illustrator and artist Andrew Ferez creates surreal and fantasy storytelling art. Andrew creates imaginative and stunning dream like works are full of symbolism and strange dark narratives. Figures blend with architecture, dragons smoke pipes and giant cathedral typewriters smolder in the distance, we can’t get enough of these fantasy…

Pixelated Wood Sculptures By Han Hsu tung

Artist Han Hsu tung Crafts Intricate Pixelated Wood Sculptures

Taiwanese artist Han Hsu tung crafts very complex and detailed pixelated wood sculptures. This wood carving artist known for building wood blocks in complex arrangements and using traditional carving techniques to create vivid and thought-provoking art pieces. To create his sculptures, Han Hsu-Tung first plans them by sketching and then…

Hilarious Vacation Photo Fails

25 Most Fun & Hilarious Vacation Photo Fails

Here are the 25 most fun & hilarious vacation photo fails. Vacation is the time for us to make memories with our most-loved ones. During the vacation, travelers took innumerable photos to look back on. Some of them are loving mementos of their family’s bonding experience. Here in this gallery…

Surrealist Paintings by Michael Kerbow

Artist Michael Kerbow Creates Surrealist Paintings Of Dystopian Worlds

San Francisco, California based artist Michael Kerbow creates surrealist paintings of dystopian worlds. Michael question the rationale of our choices in this world through his paintings. His works include paintings, assemblages, drawings, and digital photography. In his words “My work explores the way in which we engage with our surroundings…

Black-Throated Bushtit Bird Photos By Chen Chengguang

Photographer Chen Chengguang Captured The Rarest Bird Called Black-Throated Bushtit

Taiwanese wildlife photographer Chen Chengguang captured the rarest bird called Black-Throated Bushtit. Chen specializes in bird photography and he captured these birds in amazing way. This bird is only about 4 inches small and 4-9 grams weight. This bird has a considerable racial variation in the plumage, but all subspecies…

Photographers Social Media Following

Tips For Photographers To Increase Their Social Media Following

Twitch, Facebook, Instagram – photographers have started building their personal brands on all social media platforms. These professionals are practically everywhere! But, before you too jump onto the bandwagon, know that a successful presence requires thought, effort, and a bit of patience. You cannot just get free Twitch viewers. Your…

Food Still Life Photography By Chang Ki Chung

Photographer Chang Ki Chung Captures Stunning Still Life Food Photography

Photographer Chang Ki Chung captures stunning still life food photography. Chang Ki amazingly balance of his visual exploration in the figurative and literal sense. He builds and photographs delicate towers of vegetables, fruit, plants and bread, bringing together their varying sizes and shapes to form stunning still life photography. Chang…

Scrap Metal Sculptures by James Corbett

Artist James Corbett Transforms Scrap Metal Into Incredible Sculptures

Australian born-artist James Corbett transforms scrap metal into incredible sculptures. James has been creating his incredibly life like sculptures since late 1998. James enthusiasm for racing cars and bikes, are his most popular subjects. Animals, namely, dogs, birds and native Australian fauna are popular. James put drivers in his cars,…

Lens Culture Street Photography Awards

Winners & Finalists Of LensCulture 2022 Street Photography Awards

Here are the winners, jurors’ picks and finalists of the LensCulture Street Photography Awards 2022. There are 39 photographers from 18 countries got selected from all around the world. This year 1st place series winner is Jake Ricker from United States got selected for his series “Strange Paradise”. 1st place…

How To Be An Environmentally Conscious Photographer

How To Be An Environmentally Conscious Photographer

We live in times when the environment is being harmed. Global warming is only one of the factors that have affected the environment. It is our duty toward our future generations to conserve resources and protect the environment. Whatever is the work that you do, you need to be conscious…

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