Meet Pompous Albert, the office cat who looks always angry. This Selkirk Rex cat from Salt Lake City was named after Albert Einstein, and shares with his human counterpart a subtle resemblance.

The Selkirk Rex cat is a breed of cat that is known for its curly or wavy fur, which is the result of a genetic mutation. This breed has a friendly and affectionate personality and is often described as being laid-back and easy-going. Selkirk Rex cats come in a variety of colors and patterns, and their fur is typically very soft and plush. They are medium to large in size and have round faces and eyes.

Pompous Albert’s owners share on his Instagram page photos of the cat in various situations, all with one thing in common, his permanently unimpressed expression. Pompus Albert’s Instagram account have around 300K followers. Check the page for more photos and information.

All photos are linked and lead to the sources from which they were taken. Please feel free to explore further works of these photographers on their collections or their personal sites.


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert


Pompous Albert Selkirk Rex Cat

Image source: pompous.albert

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