Mohammad Moniruzzaman is a photographer from Bangladesh, a small country in South Asia. He has been photographing life since 2006 and has deep interest in his surroundings. He presents himself as a mere observer of the people and environment around him and how the surrounding elements can influence the life of humans. His photographic interest mostly revolves around lifestyle, nature and environmental portraits.

Photography is his passion. However, professionally he is a microbiologist. He is currently employed as a lecturer in the Department of Microbiology in University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and at present on study leave to complete his PhD in USA. While in USA, he wishes to document the contrasting lifestyle prevailing there.

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Showcase of the Week - Mohammad Moniruzzaman

You can find Monir on the Web :

Flickr  :

All the pictures in this post are copyrighted to Mohammad Moniruzzaman. All images displayed are protected by copyright. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.