DejaVu is a street photography project inspired by Pop Culture, Social Media, Movie Posters, and Daily Entertainments we surround ourselves in daily real life and the interplay between reality and imagination, fantasy and the limitations, comedy, and attractions.
About Htet T San
Htet T San is an artist based in New York. She works with visual art, photography, and installation.
Her work explores ideas of identity, existence, memories, nostalgia, societal problems and human experience in a meditative and contemplative manner.
Recently, she has been combining the visual concepts of installation, video projections, and sculptural/material mediums with traditional darkroom and digital imaging techniques.
You can find Htet T San on the web:
All the pictures in this post are copyrighted to Htet T San. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.