Born and living in Milan, Italy. My dad was a passionate amateur photographer, but I bought my first camera only at the age of 30. With years, my interest became a passion: I was inspired by HCB, Elliott Erwitt, Martin Parr, Luigi Ghirri, Nils Jorgensen.
Then the passion became a job that I love when I decided to quit my desk and try to make a living out of it. So far, so good: I don’t earn as much as I did, but now I sleep well.
I organize photo walks for visitors in Milan and I shoot mainly events, while on my spare time and during my travels I love to walk for free on the streets with my camera following my inspirations: that include shadows, reflections, geometry, colors, juxtapositions, sometimes a bit of irony, most of the times with lonely subjects.
You can find Andrea Rossi on the Web:
All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Andrea Rossi. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.