Here we are introducing a new Ebook for Night Photography from Digital Photography School. Everyone is looking to make their photography stand out. It is hard to do if you are photographing during the day like everyone else. But you can do just that by learning to photograph at night.

In a lot of ways, night photography is a new world that has really just opened up with the advent of digital – even more so now that digital cameras have improved so much. So if you don’t have the budget to travel to all sorts of exotic places to take photos, you can still get stunning photographs just by going out at night.

What to Expect: There are 20 different modules with practical examples, so you can tailor your learning experience and go your own pace. And after we have gone through everything you need to know to get started with night photography, we’ll go out into the field and do some shooting so you can see how it works in real time.

How To Capture Night Photography: Step By Step Guide

In this course you will learn :

  1. How to master exposure at night to take your photos from average to amazing
  2. The secrets to finding the best subject matter and locations
  3. The must-have gear to get these stunning shots
  4. Detailed retouching techniques to make your photos pop
  5. What to look for and how to set up your shot
  6. All the technical aspects to nailing the shot

How To Capture Night Photography: Step By Step Guide