Tag : Shadows in Photography

25 Photos Of Surprising Shadow Illusions That Made Them Look Twice

Here we have collected 25 photos of surprising shadow illusions that made them look twice. An optical illusion is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual percept that arguably appears to differ from reality. When nature creates its own artwork, not even our greatest artists…

Anonymous Heroes of Everyday Life – Street Photo Essay By Elwira Kruszelnicka

Strange and anonymous people soaked in the urban environment, forms the true subjects for Elwira Kruszelnicka. She is clear in showing what has to be seen and in this portfolio, one will witness the stark feeling of humanity. Veiled in monochrome, these pictures form the soul for the idea of…

José Luis Barcia Fernandez from Spain makes an Incredible Combo out of iphone and Street Photography

Meet this inspiring photographer who has done wonders with light shadows and interesting compositions. Jose Luis Barcia is from Spain and loves street photography for the surprises it gives. Jose wants to travel more and starts to tell us how his love for street genre happened in this fine interview…

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